SMS API description 1. General description 2. Basic requirements 3. Sending SMS 4. Checking SMS sending summary 1. General description SMS API provides the possibility to send SMS messages and check message delivery status from your own applications. SMS messages can be sent to one or more recipients at one time. Communication with the API uses the SOAP protocol. SOAP client libraries can be found for most development environments. SOAP communication supported over http and https protocols. In addition to this description we provide examples written in Perl and PHP. 2. Basic requirements SMS API provided with the SOAP protocol. WSDL description of API available at API requests should be send to over http or https protocol. - All parameters are case sensitive. - All API requests should include Account Id and PIN code. - To use this service your account should be active and have enough funds in your account. Phone numbers should be specified in e.164 format. Do not include any international dialing code prefixes like 00 or 001, etc. Proper example for a USA number: 13031231234 3. Sending an SMS For sending an SMS you should specify: AccId - your Account Id. PinCode - your PIN code. MsgTxt - message text you want to send. Message which exceed 160 chars will be split by 160 chars and delivered in separate SMS messages. SendFrom - phone number you are sending SMS from. Destination - phone number or list of phone numbers to send message to. Max number of destinations is 100 Additional parameters may be used when message sent to several phone numbers: IgnoreInvNumbers - By default phone numbers are verified before sending. No message will be sent if at least one number is invalid. If this parameter set to 1, messages will be sent to all valid phone numbers in the list with all invalid phone numbers being ignored. IgnoreInsufBalance - By default you should have enough funds in your account for entire SMS sending, otherwise SMS sending will be rejected. If this parameter set to 1 sending will start and go on till you run out of funds in your account. Return value: On success ErrCode - empty. SendingId - sending Id. This Id can be used for checking sending status. On error ErrCode - one of the following: INVDEST - invalid destinations error. List of invalid phone numbers available at 'InvalidDestinations' array. LOWBALANCE - Insufficient balance. NOTAVAIL - Service not available. ERR - misc errors. More details available at ErrMsg. ErrMsg - error description text. InvalidDestinations - When ErrCode=INVDEST this field contains array of invalid phone numbers. 4. Checking SMS sending summary For checking SMS sending summary you should specify: AccId - your Account Id. PinCode - your PIN code. SendingId - sending Id for which you request summary report. Return value: On success ErrCode - empty. Queue - number of messages in queue. Sent - number of sent messages. Delivered - number of delivered messages (if available). Failed - number of failed messages. Cost - how much this sending costs. Currency - currency code for Cost. On error ErrCode - one of the following: ERR - misc errors. More details available at ErrMsg. ErrMsg - error description text.